

options: {
    exprsOnly: boolean;
} = ...

Type declaration

  • exprsOnly: boolean
recursionStack: Set<string> = ...
stack: ParallelExecutionPlan[] = []
visited: Set<unknown> = ...


  • Parameters

    • dependency: string
    • owner: string

    Returns boolean

  • Used to detect a condition where like "data:${}" which essentially declares a dependency on the expression itself. This is inherently circular. You cannot say "use that thing in this expression, where that thing is a product of evaluating this expression". You also cannot say "use that thing in this expression where that thing is a direct ancestor of this expression" as that is also circular, implying that the expression tries to reference an ancestor node, whose descendent includes this very node.


    • exprNode: string
    • dependency: string

    Returns boolean

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