Represents a parallel execution plan that can be executed concurrently. This interface extends both ExecutionPlan and PlanStep to provide functionality for parallel processing of template operations.




circular?: boolean
completed: boolean = false

Indicates whether the entire execution subtree rooted at this node has finished processing. When true, all child nodes in the parallel array have also completed their execution.

data: any

The data associated with the plan. May be undefined for initialization plans.

didUpdate: boolean = false
forkId: string = "ROOT"

The identifier for the fork associated with this execution plan. Will be "ROOT" when the plan is not executing a fork

forkStack: Fork[] = []

The stack of forks involved in this execution plan. Forks will push and pop on top of the ROOT fork corresponding to entering a $forked() and exiting a forked plan on $joined()

jsonPtr: string = "/"

A JSON Pointer string that identifies the location in the template being processed. This pointer is used to track and reference specific nodes in the template structure.

op: Op = "initialize"

The operation to perform. If present and op is "set", the data is applied to the first JSON pointer.

output: any

The output object associated with the execution plan.

An array of child ParallelExecutionPlan nodes that can be executed in parallel. This forms the root node of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of ParallelPlanStep's.

restore?: boolean = false

Optional flag used to mark plans that are being used during a restore operation. When true, indicates that this plan is part of restoring a previous template state.


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