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Jalapeno Collectors

Jalapeno Collectors are responsible for collecting topology and performance data from the network.

Any Jalapeno infrastructure component that brings data into the Jalapeno cluster from the network is considered a Collector.

GoBMP Collector

To collect topology-related data, Jalapeno currently uses the golang implementation of OpenBMP, or "GoBMP". Devices can be configured to send BMP data to the cluster via the GoBMP Collector, which is deployed as a StatefulSet in Kubernetes. Inside the /install/collectors/gobmp directory, the gobmp-collector.yaml file defines the pod to be built using the latest GoBMP image.

Thus, Jalapeno has a GoBMP Collector pod running in the cluster that serves as the ingress point for all topology data from the devices. Once the data arrives from the network to the GoBMP pod, the data is then forwarded to Kafka for the next level of data processing (see Processors).

You can learn more about GoBMP and the way GoBMP organizes topology data here.

Telegraf-Ingress Collector

To collect performance-related data, Jalapeno uses Telegraf.

Devices are configured to send telemetry data to the cluster via the Telegraf-Ingress Collector, which is deployed as a Deployment in Kubernetes. Inside the /install/collectors/telegraf-ingress directory, the telegraf_ingress_dp.yaml file defines the pod to be built using the latest Telegraf image, and then loads its configuration from the telegraf_ingress_cfg.yaml file.

Thus, Jalapeno has an Telegraf-Ingress Collector pod running in the cluster that serves as the ingress point for all performance data from the devices. As defined in the telegraf_ingress_cfg.yaml file, the data is then forwarded to Kafka into the jalapeno.telemetry topic, which can be queried by Jalapeno's performance processors (see Processors).


This collector is called Telegraf-Ingress specifically because there is also a Telegraf-Egress processor. The egress processor forwards the data from Kafka to InfluxDB further down Jalapeno's data pipeline.